Atticus Finch. A Hero. [To Kill A Mockingbird]

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
What is a hero? In the dictionary a hero is described as an object of extreme admiration and devotion, idol. I think this definition should also include that a hero should have courage and put others before themselves. In To Kill A Mockingbird Atticus Finch demonstrated true heroic qualities. He was admirable and devoted, he was brave and put others before himself in a difficult time. Atticus had to overcome many challenges and take many …

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…may have made some of them think twice before judging someone based on the color of their skin. Atticus was one in a million. I don't know anyone that is as courageous, fair and admirable as him. As the book progressed I began gaining more and more respect for him and after the trial I thought he was a true. Although Atticus is a fictional character he is great role model and a true hero.